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Smart Workplaces powered by Eye Control, Voice Control & GenAI

4tiitoo is redefining the future of work with an innovative AI-driven solution that enables effortless eye control and voice control across all computer applications. Enhanced by a cutting-edge GenAI interface, this technology elevates productivity and ergonomic design, pioneering a new standard for the AI era.



Higher Efficiency

Reduced mouse and keyboard usage leads to more consistent workflows, reducing average process times up to 30%.


Higher Satisfaction

Eye and voice control eliminate the cause of RSI ("mouse arm") and other musculoskeletal diseases, resulting in improved well-being and less sick days.


Higher Attractiveness

An innovative workplace that supports well-being strengthens the image as an attractive place to work, resulting in lower attrition rates and higher competitiveness in the search for talent.

NUIA Productivity+

Every day, thousands of mouse clicks not only waste valuable time but also contribute to health problems like RSI, resulting in a significant loss of productivity.

By harnessing the power of eye control and A.I., our innovative software solution NUIA revolutionizes daily computer interaction. This not only results in a remarkable increase in efficiency, averaging between 5 to 10%, but also brings about a sustainable improvement in ergonomics and user comfort.

As NUIA is easy to implement and use, it creates noticeable added value after just a few days and is a digitization solution that inspires employees.

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In addition to Eye Control, NUIA.AI introduces Voice Control and Generative AI to elevate your daily work experience, making it even more efficient, healthier, and more enjoyable. This plug-and-play solution integrates seamlessly with all your existing applications, providing immediate value. Embrace the power of AI technologies with ease and use them to your advantage throughout the entire day, no prior expertise necessary.

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Use Cases

Higher Productivity and Higher Employee Satisfaction  in Support Centers, Call Centers, Customer Care Centers

Customer Care

Switching between input field, tabs and windows thousands of times a day takes a lot of time and disturbs your flow

Higher Productivity and Higher Employee Satisfaction  in Shared Services (SSC) / Global Business Services (GBS)

Shared Services

Up to 2.000 keyboard-mouse-keyboard changes daily are not only annoying but also take you out of the flow

Higher Productivity and Higher Employee Satisfaction in Design and Engineering Departments


Up to 6km of mouse movement and thousands of mouse clicks daily cost a lot of time and have negative health effects


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Trusted by Global Brands

What Customers say about NUIA

"We decided to enable NUIA Eye Control for all useful workplaces due to the positive user feedback as well as the added value in terms of efficiency and ergonomics."
Dr. Andreas Hettich
Chairman of Advisory Board - Hettich
Hettich Automotive
"Our employees have confirmed that this has reduced their workload significantly. Additionally, our way of working becomes more ergonomic."
Oliver Lang
CTO - Benteler
"NUIA has significantly eased the daily workload of our customer service agents. The reduced mouse usage has led to an increase in productivity and, thanks to improved ergonomics and easier work, has also increased employee satisfaction."
Robin van Acker
COO DACH - Webhelp
Stefan Balster EON Business Services Cluj-1
"Creating a digital environment, prioritising digital innovation, and fostering a culture of continuous learning is how we want to achieve better results. The solution offered by 4tiitoo fits to our values, and we are happy to use the eye control technology."
Stefan Balster
Managing Director - E.ON Business Services Cluj

What the Media write about NUIA

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